un nouveau départ pour ce blog

es geht wieder los mit diesem Blognew start for this blog

ce blog a été arrêté il y a un moment, tous nos logiciels sont tombés en panne et maintenant nous le lançons à nouveau pour une utilisation créatrice.

dieser Blog wurde vor längerer Zeit geschlossen, unsere gesamte Software ging bachab, jetzt starten wir ihn für kreative Zwecke wieder neu.

this blog stopped for a while, all our software was broken and now we are launching it again for creative use.

.a woman drinking from a bottle.

Nusantara Development Initiatives

…  It is the concept of sustainability and rigorous research that distinguishes NDI from other community service projects. Unlike many one-off community service projects, NDI concentrates on the long-term sustainability of the area before moving on to the next phase. One of the key goals of NDI is to promote cooperation between the different nationalities working and studying in Singapore. Hence, NDI accepts participants from all nationalities and currently comprises members from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, PRC and India.
What is our Mission? Our mission is to research, develop, and implement long-term sustainable developmental projects that accurately and effectively improve the lives and livelihood of rural dwellers … (full text about).

Projects: Light I, Light II; Gallery; Videos; Team; Get involved; Donate;
Contact: link not activated.

Find on en.wikipedia: Nusantara Development Initiatives NDI is an independent committee that focuses on rural development projects in Indonesia. Continuer la lecture de « Nusantara Development Initiatives »

Center for Sustainable Economy

analysis solutions advocacy

CSE works to speed the transition to a sustainable society through rigorous analysis of policy, programs, and projects, by developing creative solutions for government agencies, businesses, non-profits, and educators, and by providing expert support for legislative, administrative, and legal campaigns … (about Us 1/2).

Analysis: Public Interest Economics; Ecological Footprint; Carbon Footprint; Sustainability; Solutions; Advocacy; Take action; Staff; Donate;
Address: Center for Sustainable Economy, 1704B Llano Street, Suite 194, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505, USA;

About Us 2/2: … We keep our organization lean and effective by minimizing administrative staff and overhead and by relying on a network of distinguished fellows with expertise in the fields of ecological economics, conservation biology, sustainability analysis, and public interest law.  Continuer la lecture de « Center for Sustainable Economy »

General Social Care Council GSCC

  • General Social Care Council GSCC is the regulator of the social work profession and education in England. We protect the public by requiring high standards of education, conduct and practice of social workers by ensuring that only those who are properly trained and committed to high standards practise social work. (About).
  • GSCC on en.wikipedia.

Education, Training; Principles; Publications; Community; Get involved; Conduct; FAQs;
Contact online.

What we do:
The General Social Care Council (GSCC) is the regulator of the social work profession and social work education in England. We protect the public by requiring high standards of education, conduct and practice of all social workers. Social workers work with some of the most vulnerable people in society, so it is vital that we ensure that only those who are properly trained and committed to high standards practise social work. Continuer la lecture de « General Social Care Council GSCC »

Foundation for International Community Assistance FINCA

The Foundation for International Community Assistance FINCA International is a non-profit, microfinance organization, founded by John Hatch in 1984. Sometimes referred to as the « World Bank for the Poor » and a « poverty vaccine for the planet »,[2] FINCA is the innovator of the village banking methodology in microcredit and is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of modern day microfinance. With its headquarters in Washington, D.C., FINCA has 21 affiliated host-country institutions (affiliates), in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Along with Grameen Bank and Accion International, FINCA is considered to be one of the most influential microfinance organizations in the world.[3] … (full long text on en.wikipedia).

What is Microfinance; Microfinance Programs; Business Model; MDGs; Media; Get involved; Careers; Leadership; Ways to give; FAQs;
Address: FINCA International, Central Administrative/Executive Offices, 1101 14th Street NW, Eleventh Floor, Washington, DC 20005, USA;

About: FINCA International provides financial services to the world’s lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets and improve their standard of living.   Continuer la lecture de « Foundation for International Community Assistance FINCA »

Global Footprint Network

also in de, fr, es, it

Global Footprint Network, founded in 2003, is an independent think tank based in the United States, Belgium and Switzerland. Global Footprint Network works on tools for advancing sustainability.
Global Footprint Network’s goal is to create a future where all humans can live well, within the means of one planet Earth. Their headquarters are in Oakland, CA, but they also have offices in Zurich and Brussels.[1] The Network includes over 200 partner organizations, including WWF International, Sarasin bank, Pictet bank, the British think tank, the New Economics Foundation, and the UK consultancy Best Foot Forward. Their short-term ambition is to have 10 countries use the Ecological Footprint by 2015.[2] … (full text on en.wikipedia).

Homepage; Sitemap;
What we do; Basics; Science; Partnerships; Jobs; Board, Offices; Advisory; Team; How to Help; Donate;
Addresses (1 of: Global Footprint Network, Headquarters, 312 Clay Street, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607-3510, USA;

About us /at a glance: Humans are the most successful species on the planet. But we are using more resources than the Earth can provide. We are in global ecological overshoot. Continuer la lecture de « Global Footprint Network »

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation BGRF

first in bulgarian language – Linked on our blogs with Call for Applications for the Women’s Human Rights Training Institute WHRTI, 2011-2013.

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation is an NGO of public utility that promotes social equality and women’s human rights in Bulgaria through research, education and advocacy programs … (about 1/2).

english Homepage;
Activities; Programs; Projects; Latest News; Newsletter; Gallery; Partners; Links;
Address: BGRF, 5 Evlogi Georgiev Blv. 1142 Sofia, Bulgaria;

About 2/2: … The BGRF is founded in June 1998 in Sofia. The team of the Foundation consists of lawyers, academics, experts in advocacy, education, monitoring violations of human rights, lobbying for legislative changes, preparing publications, networking Continuer la lecture de « Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation BGRF »

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts WAGGGS

also in fr and es

With ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 145 countries across the world, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world … (about WAGGGS).

english Homepage;
What we do; Volunteer; Jobs; Publications; History of Guiding; Partners;
Address: World Bureau, Olave Centre, 12c Lyndhurst Road, London, NW3 5PQ, UK;

About Guiding: Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting is open to all girls and young women whatever their religion, ethnic group or background. A Girl Guide or Girl Scout accepts the Promise and the Law based on spiritual values, personal development and commitment to helping others.  Continuer la lecture de « World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts WAGGGS »